We prefer to have as much notice as possible when withdrawing a student, minimum 2-day notification. It is the responsibility of the Parent(s)/Guardian(s) to inform the Support Services Technician if you’re planning to withdraw your student from James Logan High School.
The student will need to visit the Counseling Center, on the morning of their last day of school. The student will need to attend the whole day of school (all classes) and check out with each of their teachers before the school day ends. ALL school books need to be returned, account balances paid in full, and all other school items are to be returned to the school prior to being checked out. At the end of the day, the student will see their Support Services Technician and submit their signed and completed withdrawal form.
Students are required to adhere to the school’s procedures for checking out of school when they leave Logan. No records will be sent to any other school until all student obligations have been met
If the Student needs an Official Transcript to take with them to their new school, it can be requested 3 days prior to their last day of school. The Official Transcript will be ready for the Student at the end of their last day at Logan.
Please be sure that the student understands and follows this process to make their last day of school easier for them. If you have any questions, please contact Elizabeth Montano or Uttara Pandya.
Elizabeth Montano
Support Services Technician
For Current Students with last name A-L
Email: emontano@nhusd.k12.ca.us
Phone: 510-471-2520 Ext: 60145
Uttara Pandya
Support Services Technician
For Current Students with last name M-Z
Email: upandya@nhusd.k12.ca.us
Phone: 510-471-2520 Ext: 60144