Students who are absent should have a parent/guardian notify the school by either:
Write a note with the following information and turn it in to the Attendance Windows:
Provide date of absence and reason for absence.
ATTENDANCE LINE 510-471-2520
Absences not cleared within two school days (48 hours) following the student’s return to school are considered CUTS. Consequences may include detention, Saturday school and/or In-House suspension. After previous interventions, excessive cutting is considered defiance, and students may be suspended. According to state law, excused absences from school are defined as:
All other absences are UNEXCUSED (needed at home, vacation, missed the bus, vacation, went to D.M.V., etc.).
NOTE: All medical and dental appointments should be made after 3:30 p.m. All medical and dental appointments during the school day require that the name, address and telephone number of the doctor/dentist be furnished to the school. The school may not excuse the student if this requirement is not met. The standard procedure is that students will only be excused 1/2 hour before the appointment until 1/2 hour after the appointment.
Students are required by law to attend school 360 minutes each day. School District policy and State law requires daily school attendance for young people between the age of 6 and 18 (Education Code 48200). Students are expected to attend school regularly. In order for students to participate in extra curricular activities students must be in attendance the day of the event.